Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

5 Signs of Obesity Starts Harmful or Even Deadly

5 Signs of Obesity Starts Harmful or Even Deadly

Residents of Karawang Sunarti Regency who are experiencing extreme obesity died. Almarhumah died at his home on Saturday (02/03/2019) after returning from Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung on Friday (1/3/2019).

Quoted from detikNews, Sunarti had run bariatric surgery to overcome her obesity on (18/02/2019). This medical action aims to downplay Sunarti's stomach. According to specialist gastrointestinal consultant RSHS Reno Rudiman, this operation will reduce the amount of food that enters the stomach and reduce hunger sensors in the body.

Obesity is a condition with a body mass index of 23-29.9 or more than 30 kg / m2. The body mass index itself is the ratio of body weight (in kg) to the square of the height (in meters), which is commonly used as a measure of obesity.

The following symptoms need to be watched out when obesity starts to endanger.

1. BB increases without obvious reasons

This condition often occurs in people who complain that drinking water alone can increase body weight. Intake that is not proportional to expenditure causes fat, cholesterol, and other substances that cause obesity.

2. Cellulite appears and has difficulty breathing

Cellulite or stretch marks usually appear in the folds of the abdomen, thighs, arms, and other body parts. In addition to cellulite, fat and cholesterol stacks also cause shortness of breath due to obstructed lung function.

3. Limited movement

Increasing body weight usually limits the movement of the limbs, one of them is the foot. As body weight increases, the knee load will become heavier until it starts to feel painful. In addition, the risk of varicose veins also increases with increasing weight.

4. Fatigue and menstrual cycle disorders

With a heavy body, someone will be easier to feel tired because of the amount of energy needed to move. No wonder if people with excess weight tend to be lazy to move (mager). In some cases, obesity turns out to interfere with the regularity of menstrual cycles in women.

5. Heart disorders and diabetes

Obesity is the root of hypertension, heart problems, strokes, and cancer. The risk of experiencing the disease increases with weight. Therefore, you should make a healthy lifestyle if your weight continues to rise without control. A healthy lifestyle can be done by diligently exercising, eating vegetables and fruit, and not smoking.

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